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Meridian Critic – Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava. Seria Filologie. B. Literatură (ISSN 2069-6787) is a biannual scholarly journal in the field of humanities (foreign languages and literatures; Romanian language and literature).
The journal appeared in 1992 under the title Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava. Seria Filologie, and since 2009 it has been published under the title Meridian critic. Analele Universităţii „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava. Seria Filologie. B. Literatură.
The publication has an interdisciplinary character and is structured in 3 parts: a Critical File, the Exegesis section, and the Reviews section. The critical file proposes the reevaluation and reconsideration from manifold perspectives of such themes as:
The Discourse of Clothing (1,2/2015), Cultural and Linguistic Stereotypes (1/2016), Shakespeare and Cervantes (2/2016), Metadiscurse and Metatext (1/2017), Food Words and Stories (2/2017), Memory, Discourse, Literature (1/2018), Faces of Posthumanism (2/2018), Memory, History, Discourse, Mentality (1/2019), The Pitfalls of Gender (2/2019).
These themes reflect a large area of scientific concerns in the fields of literary theory, history of literature, and criticism; they offer the possibility of creating new premises of research, facilitate inter-university exchanges at a national and international level, and thus integrate Romanian research in a dynamic context. The contributors are professors and researchers from Romania and from other countries of Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia.
Both by its thematic dossiers and by its other articles, the journal introduces representative names of Romanian literary, research as well as values of Romanian literature and culture in an international circuit. The publication has an advisory board which includes prestigious personalities of international cultural and academic life from Romania, France, Spain, U.S.A., Canada, academicians and elite professors, and outstanding researchers in the field of European and world literature.
Our journal encourages originality in literary and cultural research, while promoting scientific and ethical rigour. The papers are assessed through a process of peer review, with the proper attention to the rights of copyright.