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Statement on publication ethics
Meridian critic is committed to the highest standards of both scholarly research and academic publishing. The editors of the Journal do their best to ensure fair, unbiased, and transparent peer review processes and editorial decisions. Our ethic statements are based on Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
Authors are expected to adhere to the guidelines of Meridian Critic. Submissions that do not conform to Meridian critic’s style and ethical requirements will not be considered for publication.
- All authors mentioned in the paper must have significantly contributed to the research.
- Authors must participate in the peer review process. (see review process and expected timeline)
- Authors must identify all sources used in the creation of their manuscript. Authors must state that all data in the paper are real and authentic.
- Authors must not pay any kind of fee for the publication of their articles.
- Authors must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere.
All manuscripts and correspondence are confidential. Authors and reviewers should keep all information regarding papers confidential and treat them as privileged information. Messages, e-mails, etc. exchanged among parties are privileged communications and are not to be disclosed without the consent of the other party.
Editors and reviewers should keep manuscripts, associated material, and the information they contain strictly confidential. When a manuscript is rejected, the journal deletes copies of it from the editorial system.
Authors retain copyright in their works, but grant Meridian critic exclusive rights to (re)publish their work.
Authors are requested to fill in a form attesting that the article has not been published previously elsewhere. It is the responsibility of the author not only to cite the previous work, including their own, but to provide an indication of the extent to which a paper depends on this work.
Peer-reviewers are required to expose any form of fraud and notify the editors to reject articles for suspected plagiarism.
The journal is able to detect plagiarism by using the software that is available at the Stefan cel Mare University.
Plagiarized and fraudulent published data will lead to withdrawal and retraction of the article.
The manuscript is rejected if:
- it contains plagiarized elements;
- it does not conform to recognized moral standards;
- it harms the reputation of an individual, business, group, or organization;
- it is simultaneously submitted to another journal.
When authors discover significant errors or inaccuracies in their submitted or published work, they must promptly notify the Meridian Critic’s editors and cooperate with them either to nullify or to correct the paper as soon as possible.
The texts published in Meridian Critic can be copied and distributed publicly, provided that the source is properly cited and no modification or transformation of the original is made.