- Onoriu Ion Colăcel Peter Ackroyd’s Manner/ism
- Mircea A. Diaconu Short Introduction to Postmodernism, or A Sceptic Speaking to Children
- Eugenia Gavriliu English Studies in Romanian Comparative Approaches during the 1920s and 1930s: the Inter-war Generation
- Dana Petroşel Essential Contributions to the Theory of Parody
- Dan Popescu The Augustans’ Practical Humanism
- Elena-Maria Rusu The Sonnet Sequence before Shakespeare between Tradition and Novelty
- Luminiţa Elena Turcu The Stigmatisation of the Deviant in the Fin-de-Siecle Literary Discourse
- Mariana Boca The Literary Circle of Sibiu
- Mariana Boca Leonid Dimov
- Mariana Boca Marin Sorescu, an Iconoclastic Poet
- Ovidiu Morar “A Dreamy Polemist” – Vintilă Ivănceanu
- Monica Pillat-Săulescu Ray Bradbury’s Possible Worlds
- Mircea Popa Vintilă Horia – The Viennese Stage
- Elena-Brânduşa Steiciuc Anne Hébert or the Aesthetics of Heterogeneousness. Reading(s) in the Margin of Les Fous de Bassan
- Oana Covaliu Panait Istrati. Narrative Techniques
- Daniela Linguraru Traces of Fairy-Tales in The Feminine Victorian Fiction
- Cornelia Macsiniuc Repetition as Madness of the Text: Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd
- Dana Petroşel Indirect Manifestations of Intertextuality (Allusion, Transformation, Imitation) in M. Nedelciu’s Short Fiction
- Nicoleta Cinpoeş Hamlet. A Romanian History Play
- Nicoleta Cinpoeş Reading the ‘Eye’ in Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo+Juliet
- Olga Gancevici Le fou en tant que personnage: Pauvre assassin par Pavel Kohout
- Tudor Bălinişteanu The Materiality of Ideals and the Ideality of History in Yeats’s Writing Defining a Space of Irishness
- Daniela Maria Ciobanu Two Portraits of the Artist against Tradition
- Claudia Costin Dominant Symbols in Lucian Blaga’s Dramatic Works
- Marius Gulei En-gendering Otherness. Female Other, or A Much-ado-about-nothing Symptom
- Cornelia Macsiniuc The Quest as Ideological Dissent in Tennyson’s “The Holy Grail”
- Gabriela Rangu Multiplicity and Madness in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
- Luminiţa Elena Turcu Inbetweenness and Undecidability in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
- Luminiţa Elena Turcu Internalised Horror: R. L. Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Codruţ Şerban Aldous Huxley’s Verbal Counterpoint
- Codruţ Şerban The Credibility of Captivity Narratives. The Case of Mary Rowlandson
- Cornelia Macsiniuc Re-reading Stanley Fish: Belief, Desire and the Power Machine of Criticism
- Nadia Nechifor Dimensions of Intertextuality in Peter Ackroyd’s Fiction
- Gina Puică Interview with Professor Jean-Marie SEILLAN
- Luminiţa-Elena Turcu The Activity of the Departments of the Faculty of Letters in 2000-2002
B.Literature, Tome VIII, 2000-2002
The paper offers an analysis of the concepts of modernism and postmodernism in Romanian literary studies, situating them in the context of Romanian post-war poetry.
The paper discusses the main theories on parody from ancient Aristotle to the modern reception theorists. It aims to show the way in which the perception of parody evolves from a minor literary creation into an important component of all literary works.
Les sonnets dans ses trois formes de base développent une ideé complétée par les autres qui composent la séquence. Ils sont considérés comme un paradoxe apparent, nous en faisant découvrir le fait que la forme est fertile en idées.
sonnet sequence, Shakespeare's Sonnets, the Petrarchan sonnet, the Spenserian sonnet, Italian sonnetsL'étude problématise l'activité du groupe littéraire de Sibiu dans une perspective postmoderne.
L'article présente le spécifique discursive de la poésie de Leonid Dimov.
L'article présente la poésie de Marin Sorescu comme moment de transition important entre le lyrisme de la génération '60 et la récuperation du réel dans les années '80.
Among all the members of the onirical group founded in Romania in the late sixties (Leonid Dimov, Dumitru Ţepeneag, Virgil Mazilescu, and others), Vintilă Ivănceanu can undoubtedly be considered the most virulent polemist, though a "dreamy polemist" (as Miron Radu Paraschivescu called him). This polemic vocation can be detected not only in all the literature (i.e. anti-literature) he wrote (poetry as well as prose), in the good tradition of the "historical" avant-garde, but also in his radical gesture of exiling himself, obviously frustrated by the political climate of his country. Although translated in several languages (German, Swedish, Japanese, etc.), Vintilă Ivănceanu still remains in his native country, like the most vanguardists, a quasi-unknown writer.
Before his long exile, Vintilă Horia went to Vienna in June 1941, as he was awarded a Humboldt scholarship. Here he approached the Viennese literature and art, and translated several works by Rilke, Weinheber, Trakl, Mell, etc., most of them published in the Romanian review Gîndirea. In Vienna he also wrote in 1942 a paraphrase of Alecu Russo's Cîntarea României, as he tried to encourage his people, who was confronting a difficult political situation.
Published in 1982, Les Fous de Bassan, fifth novel of Anne Hébert, deals with the unspeakable passions and obsessions of a small community in Canada, in the late thirties. The mixture of the various points of view, the numerous "voices" that outspeak their complexes in the various chapters of the text make this one of the best hebertian novels, whose heterogenous beauty our paper aims to reveal.
Panait Istrati is a Romanian writer who published his work in French, a language that he learned, as Henry James, when he was in his late thirties. His first short novel, Chira Chiralina, took the French critics by surprise. It might have been the new spirit, or the exotic, unknown world that had such an impact on French culture. But, it is especially the surprising force of narration that should be brought to the fore. The art of narrating is a compulsive task for him. The narratives of the selves Istrati tells become the narrative of his self, their quest being an opportunity for the revelation of the intricate nature of the authorial instance.
À partir de l'hypothèse que toute œuvre littéraire est redevable à une histoire génératrice des origines, l'étude établit des connexions entre le schéma narratif du CONTE et celui de la prose féminine du 19e siecle anglais (Austen, les Brontës, Mary Shelley). Suivant le parcours sémiotique imposé par Propp et Greimas, l'analyse est rédigée en édifice à trois volets: INTRIGUE (lutte entre le Bien et le Mal – Adjuvant vs. Opposant), INITIATION (parcours fondamental du héros – Disjonction: Sujet/Objet) et COROLLAIRE (mariage – Conjonction: Sujet & Objet).
The paper focuses on varioust indirect manifestations of intertextuality in Mircea Nedelciu'short-stories. The aim is to show the way in which the texts of the Romanian writer "read" and "re-write" other authors, literary texts or techniques.
La démarche part de l'idée que la folie est moins une fatalité ou une malédiction qu'un compagnon qui révèle les limites de l'être humain. L'application envisage l'évolution d'une psychose chez un artiste - un comédien - dans une pièce contemporaine de théâtre, Pauvre assassin, écrite par le Tchèque Pavel Kohout. Considéré un malade à partir le XIXe siècle, le fou devient le centre d'intérêt de la médecine. Les artistes ne l'ignorent eux non plus. Le psychodrame se situe entre la médecine et le théâtre. Il donne au personnage de P. Kohout la possibilité de reconstituer les moments torturants de sa vie qui ont préparé le trouble. Où finit la simulation, le jeu, et où commence la folie? - Cette question est le noyau de l'analyse qui suivra.
L'univers de la création de Lucian Blaga est dominé par des symboles. Pour cette raison l'exposé ci-dessous, sans être exhaustive, propose une interprétation de la perspective des symboles, qui peuvent être découverts au niveau de chaque texte et aussi au niveau de la structure intérieure du texte: les personnages, les chiffres, les couleurs, la montagne, la grotte etc.