

B.Literatura, Tomul XI, Nr.2, 2006

Pouvoirs et limites de la fillette littéraire ou L’étude de deux collections: «Petite Poche» (Eds Thierry Magnier) et «Mouche» (Ecole des Loisirs)
Nelly Chabrol Gagne
Université Blaise-Pascal/CRLMC, (Clermont-Ferrand), Franta

The article proposes a study upon the power and the limits of little girl in literature as she is presented by two collections: “Petit poche” (Thierry Magnier House) and “Mouche” (École des loisirs). The double mission of this approach is to have children face some texts able to give them a perspective on French language and to introduce them in the huge community of readers. The collection also presents recurrent portraits of contemporary little girls, their relationship with themselves, their family, the others and even with language.

Romanul cavaleresc si antiromanul
Mirela Roznoveanu
Cercetator cu rangul de Profesor Asociat la Universitatea din New York, S.U.A.

The European novel has its roots in the Elenistic prose and in the Latin novel written in the first centuries after Christ. Heliodor, Longos, Achile Tatius, Apuleius, Iamblichus were the main models followed by the early novelists from France, England and Spain. At the end of the Renaissance, though, a new phenomenon appeared in the European culture: the negation of the old forms of novel and narrative structures through irony, parody, etc. The most popular chivalrous novel during the Renaissance was Amadis de Gaula, known through the Spanish version written at the beginning of the XVI-th century by Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo, a book which had a great influence upon the European novel.

Romanul alteritatii
Lacramioara Petrescu
Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi

Si la littérature peut être définie, selon les études récentes, comme lieu de l’altérité, ou tout simplement comme fiction de l’altérité, il n’est pas sans intérêt de mettre en évidence les rapports du roman avec l’institution de l’autrui, les figures de l’Autre, la réflection implicite sur le processus de la représentation, concernant l’invention, la «transcription» de l’altérité. Loin d’être épuisés, les thèmes littéraires qui sousentendent la relation entre la fiction et la compréhension de l’Autre conduisent vers une image toujours renouvelée du Sujet créateur en train de sortir de soi-même. Trancendance obligatoire et constitutive de l’acte de l’imagination.

Modele si elemente mitice românesti. Structura si functionalitate. Traditie si mentalitate (I)
Claudia COSTIN
Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava

Un „modello” mitico incluso nella mitologia romena è rappresentato dai strigoi, divisi in strigoi-vivi e strigoi-morti, che si manifestano durante la vita, ma anche post-mortem. La fede in strigoi, già esistente, mette in evidenza una visione „metafisica” popolare che riguarda la vita vista come un confronto fra il bene e il male.

Autohtonism versus Cosmopolitism
Mariana Boca
Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava

L’article présente les deux positions qui ont construit pendant les derniers 150 ans la modernité roumaine: le nationalisme et le cosmopolitisme, par rapport au troisième terme, le modèle culturel et socio-politique de l’Occident.

La separación en Pedro Salinas
José Antonio Mérida
Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi

The Spanish “’27´s generation” is brimful of personalities with a very strong individuality, in an age where the person is fighting for prevailing over the commonplace aesthetics. When the war began, the poetry suffered a transformation, adopting more human and social nuances, and this “generation of the groups” gave the best and most complete literary outcome. But it is in this context where the figure of Pedro Salinas had not always been explained perfectly, maybe because his poetry has a lot more fineness than the other authors’ of this moment. In this article I will try to let myself pray of the author's personality, in order to understand his poetry, and, in the long run, the figure of the poet in the exile.

Semioza tipologiei în romanul Patul lui Procust de Camil Petrescu
Doina Rusti
Universitatea Media, Bucuresti

Le présent article propose une approche sémiotique sur la typologie dans le roman Patul lui Procust de Camil Petrescu. La relation entre Fred Vasilescu et Ladima évoque deux model d’existence: Hamlet et Don Quijote. La rencontre avec l’Autre s'est fixé dans un espace narrative, suggérée par le titre de roman (Le lit de Procust), et aussi, dans un temps cœrcitif - une après-midi d'août. Ces limites sont amplifiées des quelques indecs semiotique qui soutient la semiose centrale: le lit d’Emilie, les lettres découvertes, l’icons qui anticipent la générale décrépitude. La typologie hamletiene, représente de Fred, se forme dans les fragments épiques, disséminées sur l'ensemble du territoire de recuperation d’une secrète histoire.

Fictiunea ca arhiva a memoriei
Bogdan CRETU
Universitatea „Al. I. Cuza”, Iasi

Ion Eremia is one of the many people who suffered in the communist prisons because of their political beliefs. His novel, Gulliver in the Country of Lies, is a satirical approach to the historical reality of the 50’s. The author borrows the means and the characters from Swift’s masterpiece, writing one of the most lucid and courageous books that criticize the communist regime. Ion Eremia payed many years of prison, for his courage. The novel was published after 1989.

Cornelia Manicuta
Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava

Stefan Aug. Doinas est un poète néoclassique avec un support philosophique, mais avec des antécédents avant-gardistes (cf. le cycle Les psaumes à la télé). À la différence d’autres «psalmistes», il se rapporte à plusieurs doctrines philosophiques et théologiques, certaines voire contradictoires, dès le néo-platonisme jusqu’à l’existentialisme, mais qui ont une obsession commune: décrypter l’Être divin. Le thème est le statut ontologique de l’homme comme créature parmi les autres créatures vs. Le statut ontologique de la Divinité comme Être absolu et absent du monde phénoménal créé, et pour ceci, difficilement accessible, même quand il s’hypostasie en Jésus. On arrive à une situation paradoxale: le «Rien» crée le monde phénoménal, y compris la créature humaine, et celle-ci provoque son Créateur par des actes cognitifs et par des actes créateurs. C’est ainsi qu’on obtient le salut esthétique du monde et de l’Homme.

Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava

La lectura Aleph representa, según nuestra opinión, el regreso al texto ya leído, con el propósito de comprobar las reacciones interpretativas de la primera lectura. No es simplemente una relectura que busque revivir la emoción estética de la primera lectura, sino que pretende corregir o convertir en certidumbres algunas de las intuiciones generadas por el primer contacto con el texto. La lectura Aleph es la necesidad de releer, es la búsqueda de un extraño (el autor presente detrás de sus personajes), que podría convertirse en el otro, instancia de la alteridad fundamental para el proceso de la comunicación. Infinita, circular, esencial, la lectura alephica disminuye el número de los libros leídos y aumenta el número de las lecturas de un mismo texto. El libro aléphico por excelencia es, para los cristianos, La Biblia, para los musulmanes, El Corán, y para Borges, El Quijote.

Mircea Cartarescu, o viziune asupra evolutiei OMULUI
Calin-Horia BÎRLEANU
Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava

Published under the title The Organist in 1989 and The Architect in 1993in his volume of short stories, The Nostalgia, Emil Popescu’s history, seemed o be the history of the character who is a hero, a hero who is at the beginning of time and of his personal development. As it becomes clear, Mircea Cartarescu takes a double role, that of engendering new human types overwhelmed by wishes and fears which are very uncommon in Romanian literature as far as form and meaning are concerned. The second role he takes is a darwinist one, that of trying a scenario in the evolution of homo sapiens. Cartarescu connects anthropology and architecture under the same cover of literature. For example, „The dwelling machine”, the well-known phrase of Le Corbusier, used to define the main characteristic of a dwelling and of the specific house in the post-industrialized society, becomes, without losing its initial meaning, a modern totemic symbol. The idea of practicality (functionality) as being a governing principle trasforming the house, formerly an axis mundi, a centre of human spirituality, in a „machine” having well-defined functions, connected to the economic field, this idea is accurately encountered in the architect’s story and in his desire to give a new place to lost freedom and spirituality.

Nora Aceval, conteuse des hauts plateaux: lieux imaginaires et identité culturelle
Mounia Yamina Chekouche
Université d’Alger

Faithful to oral tradition, Nora Aceval preserves the nomadic fairy-tales in which we find Snow-White- and Tom Thumb-like characters, but in an imaginary specific to the high plateaux of Tiaret. We aim at finding an explanation for the fact that French became the support for oral tales collected from other than European areas, but which have a similar texture.

Alfred Margul-Sperberals Mitarbeiter am Czernowitzer Morgenblatt
Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare“, Suceava

This paper aims at disclosing the mainly unexplored tracks left by Alfred Sperber, best known as a socialist poet, in the democratic press of Czernowitz between the two World Wars. As a permanent collaborator, between 1927 and 1933, of the German-Jewish liberal daily paper Czernowitzer Morgenblatt, he published more than 300 signed articles on a variety of themes ranging from poetry to contemporary politics, and from courthouse reports to Romanian folklore. This study is to be taken as a brief introduction to the work of Alfred Sperber the newspaperman, and should find its completion in a projected anthology of his unabridged journalistic work.

Proza lui Max Blecher
Ovidiu MORAR
Universitatea „Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava

Max Blecher is, undoubtedly, a singular case in the history of literature. When he was 19, he was struck by a fatal disease and he spent his last ten years immobilized in a plaster garment, lying in a special bed. This terrible destiny explains all his writings, dominated by apocalyptic visions with no equal in the whole literature.