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Revista bianuală cu caracter științific în domeniul științelor umaniste (filologie, studii culturale, științe ale comunicării)
Meridian Critic - Analele Universității “Ștefan cel Mare” Suceava Seria Filologie (ISSN 2069-6787)
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Tomul XXXIII, Nr. 2, 2019
Luminiţa-Elena TURCU, Capcanele genului / The Pitfalls of Gender
Ángela LÓPEZ GARCÍA, From Man to Woman to a New Understanding of Gender: Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve
Christine FONTANINI, Anne SCHNEIDER, Vétérinaire : un métier exercé par les hommes ou par les femmes dans la littérature de jeunesse d’hier et d’aujourd’hui ? / Veterinarian: a Job for Men and Women in Children’s Literature of Yesterday and Today
U. H. Ruhina JESMIN, Cultural and Political Paradigms of FGM: an Intersection of Race and Sex in Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy
Saptarshi MALLICK, Debriefing the Satanic Gyres of Patriarchy: A Bengali Gynocritic and Her Daughters
Anne SCHNEIDER, De mulieribus illustribus : au sujet des femmes illustres. Représentations des femmes dans les métiers scientifiques en littérature de jeunesse » / De mulieribus illustribus: On Illustrious Women. Representations of Female Scientists in Children’s Literature
Daniela CĂTĂU-VEREŞ, Marguerite Duras – « hérétique » de la littérature – ou l’art de parler des tabous au féminin / Marguerite Duras – “Heretic” of Literature or the Art of Talking about the Taboos of Femininity
Alina-Adina CRISTEA, Le statut de la femme dans la société musulmane / Woman’s Status in Muslim Societies
Mircea A. DIACONU, Petru Creţia. O incursiune în testamentul unui eminescolog / Petru Creţia. A Journey into the Will of an Eminescu Specialist
Ovidiu MORAR, Poezia grupării „unu” / The Poetry of the Group “unu”
Mariana BOCA, Oedip-rege de Sofocle: ironie tragică sau orbire interioară? / Sophocles’ Oedipus the King: Tragic Irony or Inner Blindness?
Sabina FÎNARU, Mircea Eliade şi Lucian Blaga în Corespondenţă: afinităţi elective / Mircea Eliade and Lucian Blaga in Correspondence: Elective Affinities
Alyona TYCHININA & Dan PARANYUK, Intertextuality of Personosphere as a Factor of Gender Metamorphicality: Clifford Simak’s Novel Shakespeare’s Planet
Călin-Horia BÂRLEANU, Simboluri ale profanării în opera lui William Faulkner / Symbols of Desecration in William Faulkner’s Work
Elena-Camelia BIHOLARU, Un genre éclaté: le Journal de Dany Laferrière / A Challenged Genre: Dany Laferrière’s Diary
Anamaria GAVRIL, Interprétation du « Paterikon des grottes de Kiev » dans le roman de Valeriy Chevtchuk Dans un humble champ… / Interpretation of the “The Kiev Pecherskyi Paterikon” in Valeriiy Shevchuk’s Novel On a Humble Field
Cătălin STURZA, Science Fiction, Low Fantasy, High Fantasy
Ioana-Andreea MUREŞAN, America lui Knut Hamsun – între mirajul Vestului şi rădăcinile europene / Knut Hamsun’s America – Between the Calling of the West and the European Roots
Iuliana OICĂ, Visul oniricilor – între romantism şi suprarealism / The Dreamers’ Dream – Between Romanticism and Surrealism
Otilia UNGUREANU (RĂUŢĂ), Ieşirea din timp. Perspectivele nemuririi cibernetice / Escape from Time. The Prospects of Cibernatic Immortality
Coman LUPU, Dicţionarul de neologisme / The Dictionary of Neologisms
Luminiţa HOARŢĂ-CĂRĂUŞU, Ways of Achieving Modalization in the Romanian Contemporary Media Discourse. A Case Study
Lavinia SEICIUC, Idiomatic Elements and Their Specific Issues in the Process of Translating Fiction
Violeta DRĂGOIESCU, A Short Mapping of the Ways of Expressing Agreement in Romanian